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Corporate Development
| 14.05.13 |

Innovative strength by means of identification

Such employees will only rarely contribute to the company“™s success and provide creative proposals and ideas, and for sure they are not the best advertisement and also won“™t convey a positive image of their company towards the public.

Emotional bonding is the specialized term having a serious impact on the performance and results of the relevant company. Marco Nink, strategic consultant for Gallup says: “those who don“™t bond emotionally with their company, are showing less self-initiative, commitment and responsibility - and become more frequently ill.“

The so called inward termination causes an economic damage of up to 138 billion euros through productivity losses. Recommendations regarding optimization of procedures and processes are also not communicated. You think this does not matter? Quite to the contrary: emotionally bound employees do not only hold better ideas in store for their company - on average 45 percent more, these ideas even led in more than 89 percent of the cases to savings, more turnover or higher efficiency.

So you could say that these are good reasons to find out where the weaknesses of the company system are hidden and what can be done to eliminate them.

VeMEMaS would like to support you to find out about the strengths of your corporate divisions and employees. If need be, we analyze meticulously what has to be done so that things won“™t just run smoothly from now on, but that your employees will sustainably support the same cause - entirely in line with our company.



Responsible for press information and enquiries:

Janina Krah

Telephone +49(0)7031 - 688-40-18