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| 29.07.13 |

Liquidity as a core aspect of corporate management

According to a study carried out by Faktenkontor GmbH, 87% of top managers rate liquidity and stockholders' equity as important. Thus, these items even rank above issues such as risk management and protection against price and currency crises. These data which were determined from the End of April until the end of May 2013, not only allow conclusions to be drawn regarding the optimal behavior in times of crises - even when everything runs smoothly, attention should be given to liquidity.

Saskia Wiesenmaier, consultant with VeMEMaS GmbH, has worked for a long time in the banking sector and knows what is important: "Liquidity control based on demands is a must in a well-managed company. Those who do not have a clear idea of their main payments flows will miss out on possible opportunities or overlook dangerous risks."

And what are the basic requirements for optimum liquidity control? Saskia Wiesenmaier: "Quite often, an Excel-based liquidity tool can contribute a considerable added value to map the relevant safe and unsafe cash flows."

If need be, the system requirements have to be adapted in the company - the possibilities resulting from this to optimize liquidity control will, however, soon compensate for this investment, according to Saskia Wiesenmaier.

Regarding the assessment of payment flows, an objective outside view might also be helpful: "On the basis of our experience, our comparisons and our objectivity, we are able to recognize instantly the possibilities and risks inherent in a business model", stresses VeMEMaS managing director Martin Borsik. "On this basis, we analyze and optimize liquidity control as it has been up to date appropriately and individually."

Through this optimization, important payment flows and data are apparent at a glance. This will simplify evaluations enormously and - what is even more important: owing to early-warning indicators showing the necessary need for action in good time, entrepreneurs will recognize possible chances and risks instantly and can act accordingly.



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